Have that feeling that someone doesn’t like you? Here are tips on how to deal with people who don’t like you.
We all want to be the best version of ourselves; this is why we put in efforts to live our lives the best way possible. Along this journey, encountering people who do not like the way we do things is inevitable.
In every setting, whether it be at home, in school, at work, or anywhere you go, there will always be people who will not like you. Truth be told, this is not supposed to hinder your growth or ruin your mood. Hence, we have come up with ways that you can effectively deal with people who don’t like you. Feel free to choose one or more to live your life better every day.
11 Tips on How to Deal with People Who Don’t Like You
1. Evaluate Yourself
People may say many things about who you are, how you think, and how you live your life. While it is ideal to ignore it, especially those that are offensive, it may sometimes help put some thought into it before leaving them ignored. Every person has their own strong and weak points, and if people have a lot to say about you, it won’t hurt to do some self-evaluating from time to time.
2. Evaluate Them
When somebody doesn’t like you and points out a couple of things that make them feel offended or uncomfortable, take the time to evaluate them. Not everyone who points out your weaknesses or strong points is bad. Hence, it is good to look at the situation closely. Is that person attacking you or your bad aspect? Knowing this can help save relationships and improve you overall.
3. Get Feedback
To help you determine who you are is effectively done by asking for feedback from a person you trust. If there are any improvement points, take your time to think of ways to work on them and correct them. Cherish all the positive things you hear from others and use them as motivation to do better.
4. Acknowledge Differences
Instead of retaliating, pointing out the wrong, or plotting out revenge for people who dislike you, give yourself peace by accepting that there are differences in terms of perspective and behavior. In cases where you need to speak up, make sure to do it politely and in the most courteous way possible.
5. Choose Your Battles Wisely
You deserve peace. If people try to disturb or ruin it, you have to think twice or thrice before engaging in any argument or conversation. Discussions that arise with people who do not like you usually end up messy and stressful. Hence, it is only wise to choose your battles wisely. Walk away if you have nothing good to gain from it.
6. Divert Your Focus
We are all created to feel and develop emotions towards anything that comes our way. As a person who wants to live peacefully and happily, discovering or hearing what people don’t like you have to say may negatively impact us. Hence, you should practice and master the art of setting your focus to where you want it.
7. Accept the Situation
Sometimes, the one thing that holds us back is our inability to accept the situation. You may think that the situation is unfair for you; however, one thing that could help would be to accept the situation as it is. The reality of other people disliking you is a given, and once you acknowledge it, you can move on and easily execute steps to regain your focus and go back to your peaceful state.
8. Calmly Express Your Sentiments
Once you have evaluated that it is okay to engage in a conversation, make sure to do some thinking before speaking. Be as polite and as courteous as possible. You can start by using “I” statements that tell them how you feel. Remember that your statements should be focused on how you feel instead of blaming the person you are talking to.
9. Focus on the Good
When you feel discouraged and frustrated with the thought of somebody not liking you, you must do your best to look at the good despite everything. If everyone is saying many things behind your back, make sure to see how you are performing well and are being recognized by other people on the team. You can also start by counting your blessings, as this shows you how big your blessings are compared to those who do not bless you.
10. Give Yourself Space
Everyone has a unique way of dealing with stress. Some people choose to face them head-on, while some would rather retreat and give themselves some headspace. If you feel that you do not want to be around people who don’t like you, then go ahead. If the situation does not permit, you can start by creating a healthy space or distance from them without causing a misunderstanding of conflict.
11. Consider them Inspiration
You may have heard about people telling their success stories in the past. If there is one thing common among all of them, it would be the fact that they all had to deal with people who didn’t like them. Hence, you should personally set your mind to using them as motivation and inspiration to do better. Instead of channeling negative emotions from it, you can opt to make it positive and use it to work to your advantage.
Staying positive and focused despite knowing that other people dislike you is a skill that a person should learn. This is because in every setting, whether it be at home, at work, or any social gathering, the fact that you can’t please everyone remains true.
Learning how not to be affected by it and how to get the good from it will always be advantageous and healthy for our well-being. Hence, you can use the tips mentioned above to deal with situations like these when they arise. These tips are meant to help you cope better in life and save relationships and bridges that shouldn’t be burned.
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